Homes, condos and land for sale and rent in Palms & Mar Vista, LA

Palms (originally “The Palms”) is a highly diverse, densely populated[1] community in the Westside region of Los Angeles, California, founded in 1886 and the oldest neighborhood annexed to the city, in 1915. The 1886 tract was marketed as an agricultural and vacation community.[2] Today it is a primarily residential area, with a large number of apartment buildings, ribbons of commercial zoning and a single-family residential area in its northwest corner.
Mar Vista is a residential and commercial neighborhood on the Westside of Los Angeles, California. It is the home of Venice High School, two private schools, a branch public library and a city park.
As of the 2000 census the population of Palms was 42,545, and the city estimated its population at 45,475 in 2008. With a population density of 21,983 people per square mile it is one of the most densely populated neighborhoods in Los Angeles. Palms is one of the most diverse neighborhoods in Los Angeles. Residents were 38.3% white, 20.2% Asian, 12.2% African-American, 23.4% Latino, and 5.9% from other races. The median household income was $50,684, about average for the city.
Almost half the residents (45.9%) had a four-year degree, which was a high figure compared to the city as a whole. The percentage of residents aged 19 to 34 was among the county’s highest.
In ancestry, Mexican (13.1%) and Irish (4.3%) were the most common, with about 40.4% being foreign-born (average for the city). Mexico (17.3%) and Korea (5.9%) were the most common foreign places of birth.

Mar Vista
The 2000 U.S. census counted 35,492 residents in the 2.9-square-mile Mar Vista neighborhood—an average of 12,259 people per square mile, about the norm for Los Angeles; in 2008, the city estimated that the population had increased to 37,447. The median age for residents was 35, considered the average for Los Angeles; the percentage of residents aged 19 through 34 was among the county’s highest.
The neighborhood was highly diverse ethnically, but the percentage of Asian people was high for the county. The breakdown was whites, 51.3%; Latinos, 29.1%; Asians, 12.8%, blacks, 3.5%; and others, 3.4%. Mexico (36%) and Korea (6%) were the most common places of birth for the 33.5% of the residents who were born abroad—considered an average figure for Los Angeles.
The median yearly household income in 2008 dollars was $62,611, an average figure for Los Angeles. The average household size of 2.3 people was low for both the city and the county. Renters occupied 60.6% of the housing stock and house- or apartment owners held 39.4%.
The percentages of never-married men (40.8%), divorced men (8.4%) and divorced women (12.5%) were among the county’s highest. The percentages of veterans who served during World War II or the Korean War were among the county’s highest.

Palms has no official boundaries, but the “Mapping L.A.” reference guide of the Los Angeles Times measures it at 1.95 square miles and places it northwest of Culver City, south of Cheviot Hills and Beverlywood, southeast of Rancho Park, west of Mid-City and northeast of Mar Vista.
According to the Mapping L.A. project of the Los Angeles Times, Mar Vista is adjoined on the northeast by Palms, on the east, southeast and south by Culver City, on the west by Venice and on the northwest by Santa Monica.
Mar Vista’s street and other boundaries are: the San Diego Freeway to the Culver City boundary at Venice Boulevard on the northeast, the Culver City line on the southeast, Walgrove Avenue on the southwest and the Santa Monica city boundary on the northwest. The northern apex of the Mar Vista neighborhood is at the San Diego Freeway and National Boulevard and the southern is at Washington Boulevard and Tivoli Avenue. The Zip Code for Mar Vista California is 90066.
Almost half of Palms residents aged 25 and older had earned a four-year degree by 2000, a high figure for both the city and the county. The percentages of residents of that age with a bachelor’s degree or a master’s degree were also considered high for the county.
The schools within Palms are as follows:
– Redeemer Baptist Elementary School, private, 10792 National Boulevard
– Clover Avenue Elementary School, LAUSD, 11020 Clover Avenue
– Le Lycée de Los Angeles, private, 3261 Overland Avenue
– Palms Elementary School, LAUSD, 3520 Motor Avenue
– Palms Middle School, LAUSD, 10680 Woodbine Street
– Magnolia Science Academy No. 6, charter, 3754 Dunn Drive
– Saint Augustine Elementary School, private, 3819 Clarington Avenue
– Charnock Road Elementary School, LAUSD, 11133 Charnock Road
– New World Montessori School, private K-6, 10520 Regent Street
Alexander Hamilton High School (Los Angeles), LAUSD, 2955 S. Robertson Boulevard serves Palms as its public high school.

Mar Vista
Forty-two percent of Mar Vista residents aged 25 and older had earned a four-year degree by 2000, a high figure for both the city and the county. The percentages of residents of that age with a bachelor’s degree or a master’s degree were also considered high for the county.
The schools within Mar Vista are as follows:
– Windward School, private high school, 11350 Palms Boulevard. Accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, Windward was founded by writer/teacher Shirley Windward in 1971. The school enrolls 540 students in grades 7 through 12
– Mar Vista Elementary School, LAUSD, 3330 Granville Avenue
– Walgrove Avenue Elementary School, LAUSD, 1630 Walgrove Avenue
– Beethoven Street Elementary School, LAUSD, 3711 Beethoven Street
– Mark Twain Middle School, LAUSD, 2224 Walgrove Avenue
– James J. McBride Special Education Center, LAUSD, 3960 Centinela Avenue
– Venice Senior High School, LAUSD, 13000 Venice Boulevard, established in 1910 (then called “Venice Union Polytechnic High School”) when classes were held in an old lagoon bathhouse two blocks from the beach. It moved to a new neo-romanesque structure at its present location a decade later.
– Venice Community Adult School, LAUSD, 13000 Venice Boulevard
– Phoenix Continuation School, LAUSD, 12971 Zanja Street
– Grand View Boulevard Elementary School, LAUSD,
– Summit View / Westside, private, 12101 Washington Boulevard
– Wildwood School, private K-12, 12201 Washington Boulevard.

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