Homes, condos and land for sale and rent in Del Rey, LA

Del Rey is a highly diverse neighborhood in the Westside of Los Angeles, surrounded on three sides by Culver City, California. Within it lie a police station, a middle school and six other schools. It is served by a neighborhood council and a residents association. Del Rey, with a 32,000+ population, has a large number of military veterans.
According to the Neighborhood Council Area Map, Del Rey is organized in eight areas ranging from Area A through H and surrounded on the northwest, north, northeast and east by Culver City, on the southeast by Playa Vista, on the southwest and west by Marina del Rey and on the northwest by Venice. Its southern apex touches the northeast corner of Playa del Rey.
Street and other boundaries are: the Culver City line on the northwest, north, east and southeast, Ballona Creek on the southeast and Lincoln Boulevard on the southwest. The western apex of Del Rey is at the corner of Lincoln and Washington boulevards.
The 2000 U.S. census counted 28,010 residents in the 2.45-square-mile Del Rey neighborhood—an average of 11,420 people per square mile, about the norm for Los Angeles; in 2008, the city estimated that the population had increased to 32,976. The median age for residents was 35, considered the average for Los Angeles; the percentage of residents aged 19 through 34 was among the county’s highest.

The neighborhood was highly diverse ethnically. The breakdown was Latinos, 44.3%; whites, 34.0%; Asians, 14.1%; blacks, 4.4%, and others, 3.2%. Mexico (53.3%) and the Philippines (7.0%) were the most common places of birth for the 37.9% of the residents who were born abroad—about an average figure for Los Angeles.
The median yearly household income in 2008 dollars was $62,259, an average figure for Los Angeles. The average household size of 2.5 people was about the same as the city as a whole. Renters occupied 55.2% of the housing stock and house- or apartment owners held 44.8%.
The percentages of never-married men (42.9%) and divorced women (12.7%) were among the county’s highest. In 2000, there were 1,846 veterans, or 8.4%, a high rate for Los Angeles.

Thirty percent of Del Rey residents aged 25 and older had earned a four-year degree by 2000, an average figure for both the city and the county.

The schools within Del Rey are as follows:

  • Culver City Christian School, private elementary, 11312 Washington Boulevard
  • Stoner Avenue Elementary School, LAUSD, 11735 Braddock Drive
  • ICEF Vista Elementary Academy, charter school, 4471 Inglewood Boulevard
  • Braddock Drive Elementary School, LAUSD, 4711 Inglewood Boulevard
  • Short Avenue Elementary School, LAUSD, 12814 Maxella Avenue
  • Marina del Rey Middle School, LAUSD, 12500 Braddock Drive
  • Ocean Charter School, charter elementary, 12606 Culver Boulevard
  • Goethe International Charter School, charter elementary, 12500 Braddock Drive

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